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We are a not-for-profit organization with all proceeds going towards the presentation and the agreed upon local charity. At every town, city, village, or tribe we will be advised by like-minded community groups and elected representation (e.g. Mayor, Commissioner, Elected-board or Chieftain) on the best direction for the proceeds.


Our board considers all of the proposed areas of improvement for each community we go to and makes the executive decision as to where our attention goes. We collect suggestions from all candidates interested, and go with the need that is “called upon” the most.


It can be anything:

Assisting educational programs, providing clothes, shelters, implementing irrigation systems; support against abuse; medication; books and supplies for a library, school, media outlet; or building homes for needy families.

We are not limited to these ideas alone they are merely examples that we, as an organization, feel strongly about and/or have already been involved with.


We understand that everyone is not helped, but we want to be able to show that it IS possible to make a significant, positive difference. We encourage action by getting others involved in their own communities. We are passionate and enthusiastic about this project, but understand it is a big development.


Everything helps.

It just takes becoming involved.

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